Okay, I know I’ve been doing a lot more ranting than raving lately, but I’ve held out too long, and I have to write this.
I have an intense, passionate dislike of Lady Gaga, and I need to get it off my chest. Why, you ask? Well, you’d think that I would be crazy about her ‘avant garde’ fashion and her ‘leadership’ in the style world, and maybe even say she is a talented musician. Wrong, wrong, wrong. When I see Lady Gaga, I just see a group of fat white producers behind her who sat around a table strategizing the production of the next star, poring over some recipe for fame they found doing Google search algorithms and Lady Gaga is the result. She is a vacuous rip-off mishmash of everything that is supposed to project someone into superstardom. Look at her dead, emotionless stare. She's not a monster, she's a fame robot. She claims in an interview that she doesn't 'go out to the grocery store in flip-flops' and that it's not her look, but her life. Bull. She looks pretty average to me here. And I know Boiling Points isn't quite reality, but I'm pretty sure I see her in some flip flops with that awful coastie dress and greasy hair.
I do have to give credit that she/they were actually able to pull this off, but it really scares me how much people buy into this. Really? You guys are falling for an unoriginal envelope-pushing fake blonde who throws any hint of talent out the window to pump out repetitive brainless pop songs? On top of that, I’m a little horrified by the message she’s brainwashing little girls with. I know, people said it about Madonna, or when Christina Aguilera went ‘bad’, but this just feels so much different to me. Madonna was racy and pushed the envelop, but she had a very clear identity and personality, and I think overall she was classy about it. Look at Vogue.
I know that in every industry there tends to be some overlap, but this is just sad. Let’s give credit where credit is due. The women who came before her and inspired her style did it in such a classier and feminine way. Lady Gaga just looks like a drag version of all of these.
Let’s look at Exhibit A: Kylie Minogue. Let’s look at her Wow video.
There’s also Roisin Murphy, Christina Aguilera, and Brittney Spears. This video shows the comparison better than I can.
Yeah, yeah, imitation is the highest form of flattery. Ok cool. I like cover songs and I like inspired fashion, but at least keep it classy, and give credit. What Lady Gaga is doing is not fashion and not stylish; she is a hot mess and she is trashy.
CG, let's hear your rebuttal ;)
CG, let's hear your rebuttal ;)
I am in the excruciating last week of finals, so it will have to wait a bit, but BELIEVE there will be a rebuttal!