Tuesday, April 6, 2010

There's been a lot of talk lately back and forth about the legitimacy of fashion bloggers. I can't say I'm surprised that most magazine editors despise them - nobody likes having their thunder stolen and their salary threatened. But come on, lay off the hating. Readers understand that Tavi isn't Anna Wintour. Let the kids have their fun and circulate their "unrefined" "uneducated" opinions. Fashion isn't only about history and professional viewpoints - in fact, I think it's more about how the average man/woman wearing those clothes feels about them. Who's to say that "people who have really done this their entire lives, who've really covered fashion, who really understand fashion" have a more valid viewpoint than me, Sara, Tavi, or Scott Schuman?

His most offensive quote?
"It's absolutely true: if you don't know what you're talking about, then do you really have the credibility to talk about it?" - Joe Zee, creative director for Elle Magazine

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