This post today is inspired by someone who I didn't know of until she became the girl with the 'Coon eyes.

While I agree with the general public/fashion police that Taylor Momsens's attempt to pull of the look is classified as 'fail', I am highly in favor of the idea itself. This comes at an especially exciting time after shows have been a lot more focused on a fresh face with pared down makeup. I am a big fan of smokey eyes, and I think her fault was not in the goth look, but that ever important factor of
location. She goes too far down on the bottom lash, yet doesn't use the full space she has to her eyebrow, which I think for her face is fair game. There's also the factor of gradient, which she could have taken advantage of instead of the solid black color, because it didn't give her depth or do her blue eyes any favors.
I'm also a firm believer that makeup is one of the most essential styling tricks and accessories that we have to work with, and I don't think that this makeup was appropriate for her getup. It became too costumey. One could also mention her obvious roots as a faux pas, but I like the look- it reminds me of Shakira and her Dirty Laundry days, but I digress...

As Glamour magazine would say, Taylor Momsen's eye makeup is a DON'T, so let's take a look at a DO...especially now that it's the festive month of Halloween, in which it is necessary to take risks, go bold, and embrace your inner emo! Even if it's just for one night.
The DO is one that I've just happened upon, and that's at the Chanel Spring 2011 RTW. I love the clothes, but the beauty and accessories take the lead in this show for me. Check it out. What is not to love?? This girl (above) is beautiful and she utilizes both methods that Ms. Momsen did not: location and gradient. This model has a little bit more space than Taylor between her eye and eyebrow, but still works the shading all the way up to the brow effectively because she kept it most dramatic at the lash line. Like Taylor, she has light eyes, and the greater emphasis at the lash line is a lot more flattering. I also love, love, LOVE the earrings. I would wear these to work, seriously. This other model here (left) makes me want to chop off all my hair and bleach it blonde- something that doesn't happen often. I love her look, and the finishing touch of the black line on the part is great- and is almost a nod to those with black roots. The other ways that make the dark eyes work are that this bold angry eye is paired with feminine threads that have color. In each of the models, you can also see a hint of emerald, azure, and silver blended into the black smokey shadows.
I think this is a look that can be pulled of during the day (carefully) or a night out. Toning it down a little does help- like this
There's also the ability to take advantage of the 'new' neutrals of fall to use as a smokey eye, to mix with or use in place of black. Navy and cocoa are great alternatives. I've definitely done the navy on many nights out. A deep purple is also fun to do. Now to figure out how to wear black lipstick...